Are you familiar with the old wives’ story that says it’s bad luck to have live plants in the room? Stop thinking about believing that and just don’t! Plants are not only a great way to bring life into any space, but also help purify the air in your home by removing contaminants like cigarette smoke, dust, and other particles. NASA did a study in 1989 showing that certain houseplants improve interior air quality by removing potentially dangerous organic compounds like trichloroethylene, benzene, and ammonium. Here, we’ll go over a few of the online florist KL choices for houseplants that can help clean the air you and your family breathe.
- Orchid
Orchids, also called the “bloom of youth,” are great for removing xylene, a solvent commonly used in painting. Orchids are believed to bring good fortune and vitality to the home if given the care they require (which isn’t much, to be fair).
Care Orchids, like most houseplants, do not perform well in hot or cold environments. This plant is noted for its gratitude, though, and can survive on weekly submersion in water and a dim, indirect light source. In return, it will retain its pristine appearance for years to come.
- Bromeliad
Because it is used to growing in harsh conditions, such as on rocks, this beautiful tropical plant is quickly adapted to life indoors. Bromeliads add an exotic and colorful flair to the home, and they absorb up to 80 percent of hazardous air pollutants. That means almost nothing was lost!
The bromeliad is a low-maintenance houseplant that will reward you with colorful blooms. Keep it in moderate sunshine but bright water and sunlight every other day by filling the calyx. Adhering to this easy maintenance schedule will allow you to enjoy its blossom for up to six months.
- Anthurium
This plant is ideal for a desk since it filters the air as it releases water vapor and keeps the humidity at a comfortable level. As a bonus, it can convert carcinogens like xylene and toluene into chemicals that are safe for human consumption.
Maintenance Put your anthurium in a bright, yet shaded, spot in the house and it will thrive. When the soil looks dry, give it a good soaking. Don’t water it too much or it might drop its leaves!
- Sansevieria
They say it’s bad luck to sleep so near to greenery, but who said that? The sansevieria, also called the snake plant or mother-in-tongue, laws is a highly recommended alternative for the room because it releases oxygen all night long and makes the room feel new. It’s pretty and works well with almost any style of interior design.
Sansevieria is an easy-to-care-for plant that is a good option for those who are just getting started with houseplants. It can survive in either extreme heat or cold and only has to be watered once a month. It’s been dubbed “the immortal plant” for good cause.
- The Peace Lily
The peace lily’s lush green foliage and delicate white blossoms make it an exquisite ornamental choice. Another benefit of this florist Bukit Mertajam plant is its ability to absorb excess moisture and filter the airborne toxins we’re exposed to every day.
In terms of care, the peace lily can make do with minimal amounts of both water and light, however, it does best in bright, indirect light and is protected from drafts. It will be very content if you maintain a temperature of around 18 degrees Celsius.